Phone number
+91 9712147499
Opening times
Mon-Sat: 9:00 A.M. - 8:00 P.M.
YASH BOND® powder coatings by DYJ COATING SYSTEMS deliver world-class quality and innovative solutions to manufacturers throughout the globe who demand enhanced levels of aesthetics with advanced performance. We had been an industry leader in Quality, development and manufacturing of Powder coating technologies.
DYJ COATING SYSTEMS has long been committed to making products and pursuing business practices that minimize the impact on the environment.All of DYJ COATING SYSTEMS powder coatings have ultra-low VOCs,making them excellent choices for environmentally conscious OEMs and custom coaters.
With a library of over 500 in stock color formulations, DYJ COATING SYSTEMS create consistent protection for manufacturers that need quick lead times,quality and performance.

WHY US ..?
- Not only relation but also quality..
- Not only credit but also fair price..
- Not only product but also place and convince..
- Not only specific time but also 24*7 service..
- Not only service at once but also consistency..
- Not only at specific place but also online..
- Not only product but brand..
Pure Epoxy Powders
Corrosion can be controlled by providing a barrier against the passage of ions and/or oxygen and water. The lower the permeability of the coating for..
Pure Polyester Powders
Pure Polyester powders are good for outdoor applications where considerable amount of sunlight is present. It has good weathering and mechanical properties.
Epoxy Polyester Powders
These are general purpose coatings where a limited amount of exposure to sunlight is experienced. They have all round generally good properties…
Polyurethane Powders
This is a different chemistry of powder coatings which offers excellent outdoor durability with better chemical resistance. We have three different grades on ..
Special/Decorative Powders
It is another vast application of powders in decorative articles. There are four type of powders on the basis of finishes..
Sublimation Powders
YASH BOND ® WOOD COAT is a base coat for sublimation decorative techniques. The sublimation process is a physical-chemical transition …
Anti-Microbial Powders
Anti-Microbial powders are designed to reduce the baking temperature and curing in the oven without compromising on physical and chemical properties of ..